3rd Peer Review Workshop – Neusedil am See 15 – 17 April 2015

Posted on | 3rd Peer Review Workshop – Neusedil am See 15 – 17 April 2015

The workshop was hosted by ASBO – Austria in Neusidl am See last April 2015.

A local expert commisoned by the consortium followed the participants in the discussion on the topic during the workshop days , with a special focus about psychosocial needs for immigrants in the ETS and the interculturall aspects , prejudice and stereotypes. The participants split in small working group with the goal to identify the needs and the organizational structure of an ETS for immigrants and people from third country. The results has been collected for the PREW final report and for the contribution for the Draft Guidelines.

The ANPAS Best Practice in the management of the ETS during the last earthquake in 2012 in Italy was presented and discussed, because ANPAS managed n°2 ETS for 8 months with immigrants and people from the third country host in the ETS.

They were presented three case studies linked to the focus;

– Fair un Sensible : a national organization where the members are policeman and immigrants with the goal to fight prejudices and to have a better and common understanding each others

– A focus about Religion and ETS:

– Humanitarian Aid expenceried in different third country and hot to collect the lesson learnt for the ETS.



