
SAMETS: Social Affairs Management in the Emergency Temporary Shelter” is a Project co-funded by the EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection


The SAMETS project intends to:

– Implement the skills and the curricula for experts volunteers in the Camp Management system with a special focus on social affairs with multi-ethnic aspects.

– Increasing the volunteers capability to work in a multicultural emergency environment –        Improving the competencies of volunteers and professionals in an emergency context


Campo anpas


Background  One of the purposes of the Civil Protection Financial Instruments is to support the efforts of the Member States to protect people in the event of a natural disaster. In a constantly changing Europe due to demographic and social factors, we can identify some groups that are more vulnerable than others: Children, Elderly and Disabled with cross cutting themes on Multicultural e Multi-ethnic aspects. In case of a natural disaster, the Emergency response has to be focused primarily to those people who are more in difficulties especially when they are hosted in an Emergency Temporary Shelter or a Camp managed by authorities or volunteers. The recent experience involving ANPAS in the management of emergency camps after the earthquake in emilia of 2012, has clerarly demonstrated the need for a appropriate preparation of volunteers and professionals. And this is need not given only for, the emergency response but also for the management of social affairs originated and matured within the emergency campfiled or recovery. the presence of families and inhabitants from third countries require a different APPROACH in the management of everyday life, within the emergency camp. The SAMETS partnership and the following proposal, intend to develop a Management Module of training for volunteers and professional to be able to face at this particularly situations testing them at local level and to identify useful Guidelines for all volunteers or professional involved in the Civil Protection mechanism Response.

Mirandola con bambini Mirandola con anziano Mirandola con immigrato

Actions and means involved To identify Actions and Expected results, the SAMETS partnership has had 2 preliminary meetings in the months before the call, to identify agreed actions and to find the good balance between costs and actions proposed.   The Objectives of the project will be achieved trough the following activities:

1) Setting up a survey to define the area and to map the context of social affair issues basing upon all partners experience

2) Three transnational Peer review Workshop (PREW) focused on three specific social issues: Children – Multicultural – Elderly and Disabled with the input of Experts linked with partner’s experience

3) One Transnational seminar to set up Guidelines sorted out from PREW’s that will be used by Trainers

4) One Training and Evaluation transnational meeting to train and test the trained volunteers

5) Five Local/ National dissemination events

6) Final Dissemination Meeting Expected results




The concrete results of the SAMETS Project will be the following:

– Online Database on Survey result on Social Affair Management in Emergency

– Printed Guidelines on the three identified topics to be used by Volunteers Trainers

– Printed Edu – Train (Educational for Training) scheme e recommendations

– Volunteers Trainers, trained, for training volunteers in order to have a Multiplier Effects


Gente Campo Training