EDU – Train Material – Avalaible

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The participants of the ” EDU TRAIN preparation Workshop” – Montichiari



N° 5 Test training were organized by the five partners of the SAMETS project. The trainers of these tests were the same volunteers who participated in the international workshop. In total during these sessions they were trained over 70 volunteers from member countries. The result of this test showed that the Guidelines and the educational material prepared has been particularly appreciated by operators and volunteers.

Download the EDU TRAIN Material


SAMETS Children

SAMETS Elderly and Disabled

SAMETS Multiculturalism

Training Guide for Trainers

Pictures used in the EDU Train Session


anpas_Struttura_Protetta3 DSC00269 Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung des ASB Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Bielefeld ASB-Notunterkunft in Berlin-Wilmersdorf IMAG0006 Emilia Lilla 06

Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung des ASB Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Bielefeld little residents Meeting with residents Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung des ASB Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Bielefeld Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung des ASB Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Bielefeld IMG_0497 IMG_20151104_131002 DSC01253