Project cycle




SCHEDULE :01/01/2014 – 01/01/2016

A.2 Coordination of the project
A.1 Setting up of executive project

A.3 Partner coordination meetings

A.4 Progress reports to the Commission

A.5 Monitoring of tasks implementation

A.6 Intermediate and final evaluation of the project

  • Executive project and Partners’ Agreement
  • Minutes of the Kick-off partners meeting in Bruxelles
  • Minutes of the SGM in Munich
  • Minutes of the SGM in Slovakia
  • Minutes of the SGM in Wien
  • Minutes of the SGM in Bozen
  • Minutes of the SGM in the EDU_TRAIN meeting in Rome
  • First progress report to the European Commission
  • Second progress report to the European Commission
  • Project intermediate evaluation report
  • Project final evaluation report
  • Blog to share documents
SCHEDULE:01/02/2014 – 01/05/2014


B.1 Survey areas definition

Mapping the context (children, elderly people, multicultural, voluntary in action)

B.2 setting up of the survey procedure ( questionnaire)

B.3 survey activity focused on psycological support for volunteers in action


  • Survey results data
  • List of needs
  • Database


SCHEDULE:01/06/2014 – 01/03/2015


C.1 Peer review workshop – Focus Children

C.2 Peer review workshop – Focus elderly and disabled people

C.3 Peer review workshop – Focus Multicultural

  • N° 9 Best Practice in action presented
  • Reports From the Workshops
  • Table of contents
  • Draft guidelines
SCHEDULE: 01/04/2015 – 01/09/2015 

D.1 Transnational Seminar event : Guidelines set up.

D.2 Transnational Training session: EDU – TRAIN: testing methodology by performing pilot seminar for trainers

D.3 Evaluate the train – trainer program

  • Final guidelines
  • Standard training program for volunteers in action
  • Educated trainers for multiplier effects
SCHEDULE:01/01/2014 – 31/12/2015


E.1 Local dissemination meetings

E.2 Build the SAMETS Page on Partners Web Site and updating

E.3 preparation of publication based on the results of the work results

E.4 Printing Guidelines in four languages and standard educational program

E.5 Final Event

  • Guidelines translated in five languages
  • Standard training program for volunteers in action, translated in five languages
  • SAMETS Link Page in all Partners WEB Sites


  • List of trainers
  • Abstract, flyers


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