SAMETS First Peer Review Workshop – Wiesbaden 4 – 6 July 2014

The First Peer Review ( PREW ) Workshop of the project samets was held July 4 to 6 in Wiesbaden. The Focus was about : Children in the Emergency Temporary Shelter – How to manage it. 

Therefore the objective of the first Peer Review Workshop with Focus Children was to identify the basic contents and structural aspects for the intended guidelines.

Because SAMETS aims civil protection of different European countries, at first an exchange process of the different ideas and conceptions regarding the future guideline was necessary. That included the different levels of requirements for the guideline as well as aspects of civil protection systems that need to be considered while creating a guideline.

Following you can find the relevant documents about the 1st PREW

Participants from 1st "SAMETS" Peer Review Workshop - Wiesbaden 4/6 July 2014

WIesbaden Participant List

1st PREW Agenda


WIesbaden Participant List

Minute from SAMETS Peer Review Workshop Wiesbaden


210 Project SAMETS survey report


Psychological Care in Civil Protection – Germany

Focus on Children – Report from Tita Kern


210 Report on the first SAMETS workshop